Magic Submitter —Simplify Software Submission

Quick Submitter—Submit Software within Minutes

Effective Submitter—Increase Success Rate of Submission

Support System
7 / Vista / XP / 2008 / 2003
32 bit and 64 bit System

What They Said?

It really is a magic program. It makes my work so easy and effective! I have no hesitation in recommending it to others who are searching for such submitting tool.
-Emmett, Tennessee, USA

I used to consider software submission as the most suffering in the world. I preferred to work on software development for days rather than submit my software to tens of download sites in a day. Now I download magic submitter-PAD Submit Worker and change everything—seeing my software published in thousands of download sites within minutes is such a joy!
-Sharman, New Jersey, USA

I have spent months in looking for a good software submitter. Now I think I found it after reading this article!
-Amsden, Oklahoma, USA

Download PAD Submit Worker

Magic Submitter—Quickly Submit Software to Numerous Download Sites


Annoyed by tedious manual pad submission?
Would rather employ someone else to submit your software than do it yourself?
Looking for effective ways to save your time, efforts and money?

Well, all you need is to free download a Magic Submitter-PAD Submit Worker, and then all your problems will be solved easily and completely.

This Magic Submitter Review

PAD Submit Worker not only accurately generates a PAD file of your software, but also effortlessly submits PAD files to thousands of major download sites. And also you will get a highly accurate track on the submission effect by the generated submission summary report. For example: It helps you comprehensively analyze the traffic you get from which websites and concentrate on those who really bring you customers.


With it, you will effectively build a good number of high quality backlinks for your site and make your software massive exposure to millions of potential visitors. Your software downloads and sales will be greatly boosted.


Other terrific features of PAD Submit Worker:

Easily operate, regardless of whether you are a newbie, intermediate or advanced;
Precisely find the appropriate category for your site, which will improve your targeting;
Automatically update the database;
Considerately offer free technical support;

What Can You Benefit from This Tool?

Time-saving: this tool can submit software to more than 1000 major sites in less than 20 minutes;
Efforts-saving: simplify the process of software submission—simple clicks will do;
Money-saving: only $49.95, much cheaper than hiring someone or purchasing other similar submitters;
Accurate and wide software publish with free and timely download sites upgrading: help you get your software published accurately and widely;
Free and professional technical support: make sure your software submission more effective and successful with magic submitter.


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