Software Submission with Amazing Auto Submitter

Greatly Increase Exprosure Rate for Software

Substantially Boost Your Sales

Support System
7 / Vista / XP / 2008 / 2003
32 bit and 64 bit System

What They Said?

I used to submit application manually, and I found it very difficult and troublesome. Then I found this auto submitter which can auto submit my software to about 1000 sites quickly and successfully.
-Jonny, LA, USA

Since the first time I used PAD Submit Worker, it has brought me many profits and much money. This magic submitter is really a successful auto submission that helps my page rank at the top page of Google and bring it a lot of visitors.
-Brenda, Boston, USA

What an efficient SEO tool! After one round of quick auto submission, my site ranks high in the search results right now! Thanks a lot!
-Booker, London, UK

I always thought that software submission was a very tedious and torturous task until I met this auto submmision. It makes the submission process so easy and quick. I love it. You guys are great!
-Kirsten, New York, USA

Download PAD Submit Worker

Using Auto Submitter to Increase Your Sales

If you are a software developer, you must be very familiar to submit pad to download sites —it is the very first step to get software published on the internet, but have you realized that it is also an effective way to promote your product if you can make good use of it?

What Can You Benefit from Software Submission?

Get software listed on major download sites;
Expose software to as many targeted customers as possible;
Bring you large number of high quality back links;
Attract large volume of traffic to your site;
Increase your site ranking in search results;
Win more potential customers to increase downloads and sales.

So, the secret to make good use of software submission is — submit program to the maximized number of software download sites.

Submit Software in Manual Way?—You Have Better Choice!

You may consider submitting software to download directories one by one in manual way, but think twice, for you have to:

Register to thousands of sites;
Manage all the accounts information (including user name, passwords, email, etc.);
Fill in tons of submission forms;
Follow each submission rule and step (or you may fail to submit);
Wait for the submission results to see if you need to do it again;
Resubmit software if you failed the first time.

Time-consuming and energy-consuming, isn't it? And I bet that you must feel totally exhausted after submitting software to tens of sites. Why not use auto submission to facilitate your work?

What an Auto Submitter Can Do?

PAD Submit Worker is the best auto submitter which can:

Instantly and successfully auto submit application to thousands of major download sites;
Safely manage all your accounts of major sites;
Offer complete and up-to-date database of those sites;
Monitor software listings on numerous download sites;
Generate, manage and validate PAD file of your software;
Provide the back link information of some download directories if applicable;
Automatically select category based on keyword-weighting;
Intelligently detect CAPTCHA;
Filter targeted sites according to your requirements;
Display complete report on each download site in details when it finishes the task;
One-click of resubmission to sites to which it fails to submit.
Money-saving: only $49.95, much cheaper than hiring someone or purchasing other submitters.

With the help of Pad Submit Worker, you can quickly and easily auto submission software to all the major download directories or sites and greatly increase the downloads and sales of software. You can download the best auto submitter right now!

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