How to Sell a Program

Increase Your Program Download Rate

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I was tired of selling software online. I don't know about selling programs fast and widely in a short time. And I found your application. My sales status is pretty well.
-Stanley, Ohio

I am a software author. I have developed a software for a period of time but no sale for a while, but i don't know how to sell a program. Afterward, my friend recommended your software to me and now I have sold dozens in a month.
-Keenan, Dallas

My sales status is better and better. This owes to your gorgeous software. It is really helpful and useful. Thanks a lot.
-Glenn, Carlisle

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How to Sell a Program Fast and Widely

Many people ask that how to sell a program online. If you are a software author, you must know the difficulties in selling programs. Now I will tell you a method of selling programs fast and widely in a short time. Keep reading.

Principle of Selling Programs

Let's look at the principle of selling programs. When you develop a kind of digital product, software or ebook or something, you must submit your program onto the download websites at first so that customers can download your product and you can sell program much more easily. But what download sites should you submit to? How to submit application onto them?

Download websites provide marketers two ways to submit program. One is to fill the required info about software to complete submission, and the other is to submit a PAD file.

Most people will choose the second way. Because if you submit it manually, you have to fill the blanks of information, such as sort, type, author information, your company, URL information, download address and description, etc. by hand. It takes you lots of time. And it is hard to go through the approval period of some sites. What's worse, you cost much time to fill the information for just submitting one website. That's too inefficient.

The Best Way of How to Sell a Program

Now you have to choose the second method: to submit PAD files. PAD file is a standard file format based on XML format. It enables faster software submission and automatic subsequent updates for an appication. To generate a PAD file, you must choose a kind of submission tool as it is difficult for most people to generate the PAD file manually.

PAD Submit Worker is regarded as the best submitter to sell program. There are several steps to submit PAD to download directories or sites with it:

1. Add company.
2. Program Information. Fill the information of the software. It takes you a little time.
3. Descriptions. Descript software in some words, at least 3 items.
4. Additions. This step is essential. You must provide the website and XML file URL of software.
5. Affiliate.
6. Submit sites. There are more than 1000 download websites provided. You need to select all and the program will submit your software onto all sites in just 20 minutes.

Benefits of PAD Submit Worker to Sell Program

Generate PAD file in a short time.
Several steps to get ready for submitting software. Easily and fast.
Submit software onto thousands of download directories or sites.
Complete software promotion in just 20 minutes. Save time and efforts.
Get hundreds of backlinks of your site.
Bring more downloads.
Bring more traffics and conversions to your site.
Increase site rankings for you.

Now you needn't worry about how to sell a program. PAD Submit Worker can help you handle all the submission. Just download it and have a try.

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