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What is a PAD file?

Standing for Portable Application Description, PAD is a file that helps software writers give product descriptions and related information (including - system requirements, price, contact info, file names, download URLs and more) to online sources in a consistent manner and uses a standard database structure.

PAD file is clear and easy way that permits webmasters and program librarians to improve the speed of their submission processing and listings generation.
The advantage of using a PAD file is that it enables you to store all the descriptions and specifications in one single place, saving your time and money.

Another great thing about PAD files is that they're so easy to create - and that it doesn't cost you anything! PAD Submit Worker allows you to create and modify your PAD files easily, which provides more functions to make life easier for software authors.

Back Link Introduction

A backlink is a link from your web site to the web site of the provider. Some providers require such links in order to accept submissions. Normally the backlink page is located on the product info page that you have defined in the pad file. It can help to increase the ranking of your page on search engines and bring more visitors and users.