Where to Sell Software

Efficiently Sell Software Online

Submit Software to Download Sites

Support System
7 / Vista / XP / 2008 / 2003
32 bit and 64 bit System

What They Said?

When I first saw this software, I didn't fully realize the power of its software, the time savings plus the flexibility. After getting it and working with it, my eyes have started to be opened to its potential! Extremely powerful!
-Zachary Armstrong, USA

Thanks for making this awesome submission software available for such a fantastic price! An absolute NO BRAINER!
-Miguel Garcia, USA

I just want to say thank you, your service is awesome and it works so good! With it, I get more sales. Really thanks!
-Charles Sawyer, UK

Download PAD Submit Worker

Where to Sell Software - Download Sites Is Your Best Choice

Always I heard from my friends, "I have developed some software which I would like to sell online. Can anyone please give me some points about the best way to do things? ". Of course, as a software vendor, you will be interested in promoting your product on the Internet. But do you know where to sell software and how to market software? Below, I will show you.

Where to Sell Software - Download Sites

Where to sell software? Obviously, it is download sites which become more and more popular. Its advantages are:

1. Get more direct downloads. If download site visitors are curious about your software, they'll download it. These sites are very likely to bring tens of thousands of downloads each week.

2. Obtain better SEO effect (Search Engine Optimization effect). With the increasing amount of publications associated with your software, your own site's positions in the search engines will also improve greatly. Normally, the more publications you receive, the higher rankings your own site will get.

3. Bring more back links. A back link is a link from other web site. It can help to increase the ranking of your page on search engines and bring more visitors and users.

Therefore, download sites are your best choice to sell software, the more the better! But, how to instantly and automatically submit your software to numerous download sites? Submission software, you can count on!

Automated Submission Software Is Critical to Sell Software

Apparently, submission software is the easiest and most reliable method. You may know that manual submission is very slow because it can only submit your software to one site at a time, and the submission always fails as you are not familiar with the submission rules of a certain download site. So I highly recommend you to try a profession submission tool like PAD Submit Worker.

PAD Submit Worker is the single best submission tool that can submit your software to hundreds of download sites in 20 minutes, saving a lot of your time and money. Its submission is 100 times faster than that of manual submission. Knowing exactly the rules of every download site, PAD Submit Worker can quickly submit your product with success.

You are getting everything below:

Automatically submit PAD files to more than 1000 sites within 20 minutes.
Daily update the download websites database.
Intelligently track of the newest product listings.
CAPTCHA processing; you do not have to input the passwords time and again.
Submit a submission report as soon as it finishes the task.
Have advanced submission mode for experienced users.
Instantly gain a massive amount of exposure for more free traffic and improved search engine results.
Get more sales.

Money-saving: only $49.95, much cheaper than hiring someone or purchasing other submitters.

So, where to sell software? Download sites! How to sell a software product? Submission software! Just try PAD Submit Worker, BIG SURPRISE!

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